
Shawn King


Over Cognac

I was in my kitchen one afternoon in the process of preparing a mouth watering kale salad and it came to my mind that the entire leaf of kale is editable, but the kale stems can be quiet tough so I be began to ponder ways on how to prepare tender kale stems for a great snack or an addition to a meal. My process became a delicious success. 

Delicious Kale Stems 

If you’re a person that likes kale and has never eaten kale stems you may want to consider not discarding them because they are delicious.

Freeze Your Kale Stems

Whenever my family and I are preparing a kale dish we always strip the leaves from the steams and put the stems into a plastic freezer bag and place them in the freezer for a later meal or snack. 

Sauté  Kale

Organic kale stems have a great deep rich taste. If you have ever eaten collard greens kale stems taste very similar.

Here is how I prep kale stems to be sautéed in easy simple steps: 

1. I placed kale stems evenly across a non-stick skillet.

2. I added enough water half way up to the kale. On a medium low stove – top setting I let the kale come to a consistent simmer until kale comes to a medium tender.

3. Once the kale is at a medium tender drain any additional water from the skillet and add olive oil, butter and your favorite seasonings such as garlic salt and black pepper and begin to sauté kale stems to your desire and enjoy.


Garden & Shop

Gardening requires a great deal of knowledge and commitment and to be successful reaping a great harvest from what ever a novice Gardner wants to grow requires research. Research is the key to finding out what fruit and vegetables plants love in order to thrive. If you are a novice Gardner and have the notion to believe that growing vegetables and fruit plants just requires some sort of fertilizer, some watering and sunshine  you can be in for a rude awaking. I took on that notion my first-year of gardening and found myself  indulge in trial an error(lack of knowledge). In other words I lost about half what I had planted resulting in losing half of what I invested. My wife was like Uh?$ and I said to myself, if I want to do this then I better get better at it quick, so I began to research plants I wanted to grow and that research led me to reap a great harvest; my wife loves me again. 

La sua prostata – le dimensioni del ferro con una noce sotto la vescica è lovegra in farmacia delle zone erogene dimenticate immutatamente dimenticate. Seguilo con due dita sotto la pelle tra lo scroto e l’ano e ordinatamente (!) Massay.

Over Coffee

Insect Battles

Insect are “notorious” destroyers of thriving gardens and they can smell a thriving garden a great distance away. They come to feast and populate. A few insect may be great for a garden such as pollinating bees or lady bugs, but overall insect can be a nuisance. Not only do they come to feast, lay eggs and larva some insect can spread disease to your plants. It is vital to treat your plants immediately with organic insect deterrents. There are many products and methods gardeners use to combat insect it can sometimes seem crazy. Lets talk about a few methods I have been successful with. 

Insect Deterrent Prep

The advantage of having a fenced in patio is a big plus. It allows me to create a barrier to reduce insect invasion by spraying down my complete patio with Ortho Home Defense before I began my spring planting. This product works really well; the only draw back is every time it rains you may have to reapply another application. 

Take great caution when using this product in your garden. If plants are present on your patio be sure to cover them well with plastic along with any soil you plan on planting in. Also make sure if it dose rain that this product dose not runoff into your planting soil or on your plants. A good rule is to let the application settle for 24 hours in dry weather before you plant. Fortunately for me I live in southern California where it doesn’t rain often in the spring and summer months so replying Home Defense applications are minimal. Note: Be sure to be well knowledgeable of this product before applying.  

Organic Products/Insect Deterrent 

I prefer to stick with two of my favorite products combating insect in my garden; Organic Neem Oil and Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade. Peppermint Oil and Rosemary Oil are other options. A good water spray plant bath is good now and then to remove insect eggs and larva you may not see with the naked eye. If you do give your plants a water bath be sure to reapply a neem oil application once your plants have dried. 

neem 2

Leaf Eaters

Most leaf eating insect and worms can be detected with the naked eye when inspecting your plants but if you find yourself wondering what is devouring your plant with no culprit in sight you can bet it is highly possible it is the nasty cut worm. This moth caterpillar grows really fast and dose major damage to your plants while you sleep. It only comes out at night to feed and the clues it leaves behind is that it only eats the edges of the leaves. It usually buriers its self only about 3 inches in the soil and can be discovered by turning your soil with a small garden shovel. I have had a run-in with one of these caterpillars and they will eat. If you don’t feel like turning soil then cover the top of your soil with Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, it will get the job done. 


Peststonic is a great device to help battle against some insect in your patio garden. This device has worked really well on specific varmints and insect; especially crickets. I have rarely seen crickets  on my patio since using this device. Simply plug the device into a patio outlet and choose the setting you prefer and your good to go. 

Daily Inspection

Daily inspection of your garden is crucial to determine any insect activity that may destroy your plants. Insect will show up over night and Aphids are notorious but can be controlled. Most leaf eating insect hang out feasting and populate on the underside of plant leaves to avoid the heat of the sun. So I inspect my plants on a daily basis. 

Unfortunately there are no products or methods that will completely eradicate insect from invading your garden. The goal in combating insect is to keep activity down as much as possible.


Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes

Beef Steak tomatoes are my favorite plants to grow on my home patio and if conditions are great, store bought tomatoes can not compare to the tender texture and great tasting flavor of home grown organic tomatoes. 

Beefsteak tomato plants grow very fast and can produce abundantly from early spring to mid-late fall depending on the region your growing in. I live in Southern California where there is plenty of warm weather and sunshine which is ideal weather for growing tomatoes.

This particular plant thrives on demanding at least eight hours of sun and a good rich nutrient soil to produce an abundant harvest. 

Indeterminate Tomato Plants

Beefsteak tomatoes plants are indeterminate which means these plants have a vine growing nature and can grow from a minimum of 6 feet or much taller so they need staking and trestles for support; especially if your plant is producing 1 pound tomatoes.

If your planting in pots keep in mind, the bigger the pot the greater the yield. Tomatoes have a vigorous root system so roots need sufficient room to grow. I would recommend at least a 5 gallon pot for good production for this type of plant. 

Growing Beefsteak Tomatoes 

A novice gardener will learn that there are a lot of factors to consider when growing tomatoes and there are many different methods gardeners use for growing a successful harvest. After a great deal of trial and error I have found the method that has brought me success and that success involved research.

Note: I am convinced that Beefsteak tomatoes grow best in temperatures between 60 – 80 degrees

Soil Nutrients

Nutrients play an important role in garden success(growth, presentation & flavor) so research the plants you want to grow in your garden and apply sufficient nutrients that allow them to thrive.

Tomatoes plants “demand” a rich nutrient soil and if your growing tomatoes in pots over time watering will drain nutrients from the soil so it is vital to replaced nutrients throughout the plants growing cycle; so a good consistent fertilizing maintenance schedule should be implemented.        

Tomato Plants & Air Flow

If condition are great, beefsteak tomato plants will be vigorous growers producing thick plant foliage which in-turn will reduce air flow through-out the plant creating a welcoming breeding ground for insect and plant disease.

Once your plant has reached mature growth and is producing tomatoes, pruning becomes necessary. A good rule of thumb to manage good air flow through-out your plant is to make sure if your standing in front of your plant you should be able to see through the plant to the other side. Tomato plants are beautiful when the foliage is green and full but not practical, its not about foliage its all about tomatoes. 

Pruning foliage when your plant has matured and tomatoes begin to turn not only creates good air flow but also directs more energy and nutrients to the tomatoes. This method works great for me. Remember its all about tomatoes!

Cloth Bags Great for Tomato Plants

I have been very successful growing tomatoes in plastic pots, but cloth bags are more ideal for growing tomatoes plants in. Cloth bags provide a wider base creating more room for roots, cloth bags allow for better air flow allowing soil to dry out faster to reduce soil wetness that may cause root rot, cloth bags do not hold heat like plastic pots do and cloth bags are cheaper than plastic pots. The only draw back of planting tomato plants in cloth bags is that you do not have drain treys.    

Pruning Beefsteak Tomato Plants

Pruning tomato plants reaps benefits. Pruning is also an option. Beefsteak tomatoes are vigorous growers and if plants are doing well they will naturally produce suckers. Tomato suckers are an additional stem that will produce tomatoes but will drain nutrients from the original plant. Allowing suckers to grow will produce more tomatoes but tomatoes will be smaller as they compete for nutrients. Also, pruning helps to create air flow throughout your plant to help reduce disease and insect invasion. Pruning also allows you to better manage your plants. Suckers are simply removed with a back and forth pinch.

Growing Your Beefsteak Tomato Plant Vertically

It is vital that you train your main shoots that are producing tomatoes to grow vertically and do not let main shoots fan out. Beefsteaks tomatoes can get heavy as they continue to grow and if you allow your main shoots to fan out the weight can put great stress on your plant. So I use plant ties and twain to train the plant to grow vertically to support weight to reduce plant stress. 

Note: From the base of your plant your goal should be to grow your plant on one stem. Basically you don’t want two main stems growing from the base of your plat. 

Tomato Plant Disease

There are many plant diseases and fungus tomato plants can be susceptible to. Some diseases and fungus can be treated and there are some diseases and fungus that will completely destroy your plants. Listed is just a few common tomato plant fungus and disease that tomato gardeners need to be aware of. My first year of gardening I had personal experience in my patio garden with Blossom End Rot, Powdery Mildew and Early Blight. It took research to learn how to eradicate these issues in my garden and thus turn out a great harvest.  

Tomato Early Blight - Spray plants once a week with an organic fungicide
Tomato Late Blight Foliar Lesions - Spray plants once a week with an organic fungicide
Verticillium Wilt - If your plant is infected with this disease, there are no viable treatment methods to save your plant. destroy it immediately to prevent affecting other plants.
Blossom End Rot- Normally a Calcium Deficiency - Bone Meal is a great source calcium tomato plants love.
Powdery Mildew- lack of air flow and high humidity- Neem Oil Spray is a great combatant against Powdery Mildew. Treat immediately.

The ultimate goal to eradicate plant diseases 

  • Make sure that healthy plants are being planted.
  • Make sure soil is not contaminated with foreign matter.
  • Establish a consistence preventable maintenance schedule(treat plants immediately).
  • Inspect plants daily for any unusual signs of possible disease, mildew or fungus; you can be quite surprised what can happen over night. 
  • Research methods to keep rodents and insect down that may carry disease to your plants.
  • Water at the base of  your plants to keep disease down; but consider a plant bath with water spraying ever 2 weeks.
  • Note: Water spray your plants down immediately if you discover insect invasion such as notorious aphids.

Great Tasting Organic Tomatoes

Now that I have discovered a great method of growing organic beefsteak tomatoes on my home patio, every season becomes routine and leads to a great tomato harvest.

Over Cognac

Growing organic peppers on my home patio garden has been a treat. My family love peppers and we are creative when it comes to preparing mouthwatering pepper dishes.

If you walk into any grocery store searching for peppers, most likely you will find a stack of peppers in some sort of bin or display. Even if a stack of peppers are organic, most likely those peppers have been stored up for some length of time that may affect there flavor. But when freshly picked organic peppers from your patio garden that heads straight to your kitchen table for consumption, you can be guaranteed that your peppers will trump the flavor of store bought peppers every time which makes for great tasting pepper dishes. Presented is just a few creative pepper dishes my family enjoy. 

Sie können den Anregungsgrad mit einem kleinen Rollenspiel-Spiel erhöhen. Nehmen Sie erotische Anzüge, aber Sie können ohne sie tun, die austria potenzmittel soll in die Rolle hineingeboren werden. Zum Beispiel haben Sie zwei Fremde, die sich an der Bar trafen, oder er reitet auf der Straße, und Sie halten auf und fragen nach einer Fahrt. Die gesamte Szene kann im Voraus gepflanzt und es zum Teil des Spiels machen.

Red Carmen Italian Sweet Peppers stuffed with bacon, green onion, white onion, parmesan cheese sautéed in olive oil stove top.
Green Peppers stuffed with bacon, cheddar cheese & green onions covered with olive oil baked in the oven.
Raw Green Bell Pepper filled with olive oil and balsamic Vintager sprinkled with sea salt and black pepper.
Banana Peeper & Jalapeno Pepper combo rapped in bacon stuffed with parmesan cheese based with olive oil baked in the oven.
Jarred jalapeno peppers

Peppers are one of my favorite vegetables to grow and you can bet you will find them in my patio garden every season. They are very versatile and can be enjoyed with many creative dishes.


Check This Out

Green Bell Peppers can provide great heath benefits when consumed, they are packed with Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Potassium, Vitamin E, Folates, Vitamin A and many other vitamins that are great for body heath. 

Growing Organic Bell Peppers

Growing organic peppers on my home patio can be quite productive if conditions are great. Peppers are very versatile, there are several ways they can be enjoyed and they can be eaten raw or cooked. Peppers can be jarred, grilled, stuffed, baked, sautéed and added to many different dishes. Pepper plants are also very vigorous and will grow very fast producing an abundant harvest. They thrive in a very organic nutrient rich soil. Calcium must be kept present in the soil to prevent blossom end rot and they love magnesium which presents a beautiful pepper plant presentation. The ideal temperatures to grow peppers is between 60-80 degrees.

Growing Peppers in Pots

I have great success growing bell peppers on my home patio in 5 gallon plastic pots, remember the bigger the pot the larger the peppers and production.

Pros of growing peppers in pots

  • Pots can be moved around
  • Pots are convenient when it comes to space
  • Soil moisture can be better managed in pots using a moisture meter
  • Pots can be convenient in centralizing plant nutrients
  • Growing plants in pots can help reduce insect invasion 


Cons of growing pepper plants in pots:

  • Plastic pots can get very hot in high temperatures drawing damaging heat to plant roots.
  • Managing over heating of plant soil in pots requires consistence monitoring of soil moisture.
  • Watering plants over a plants life cycle can drain nutrients from plants in pots.


Key solutions to controlling nutrients, soil moisture and over heating growing plants in pots

  • It is crucial to replace nutrients back into plant soil after long periods of watering in pots(Fertilizing)
  • Be consistence with a plant feeding schedule.  
  • Moisture meters can play a key role in monitoring soil moisture.
  • Places of shade or patio umbrellas can help deter severe heat from plants and plastic pots to reduce over watering. Usually when temperatures are 85 degrees and above. 


Below are a few pepper plants that I have grown on my home patio with great success. There are many different types of peppers a gardener can choose to grow that may fancy their taste buds. Growing a great pepper harvest requires commitment. To thrive for perfection reveals positive results. Remember do a little research on the peppers you would like to grow.  

Italian Red Carmen Sweet Peppers

Green Bell Pepper

Habanero Peppers

Green Peppers

Italian Red Carmen Sweet Peppers

Italian Red Carmen Sweet Peppers

Banana Peppers & Jalapeno Peppers

Red Cheyenne Peppers

Green Bell Peppers in Pot

Over Cognac

Kale Salad

Two words that can describe a Organic kale salad- Simply Delicious! My family loves kale and craves for kale salad. Just simply add your favorite condiments and salad dressing and you can be sure to enjoy a great nutritious salad dish packed with vitamins and minerals. 

Note: Kale is best harvested in the fall, winter months. Kale grown in cool temperatures yields a nice sweetness and much tender harvest verses slight bitterness and toughness when grown in hot summer months.

Adj mindent rendben – a padlónak tisztanak kell lennie. Figyelmesen ellenőrizze a helyiséget, hogy kiküszöbölje a véletlenszerű csizmákat, a gyermekek játékát, a mosodai kosarat és mást. A tisztítás nem a legkellemesebb prelude a szexuális álmok számára, de még mindig sokkal jobb, mint a spontán utazás a legközelebbi traumatológia örökbefogadó többi részén.

Over Coffee

Bacon, Kale & Tomato Sandwich

America is well know for the famous BLT(Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato  Sandwich). More often than not the traditional BKT is usually prepared with ice berg lettuce or romaine lettuce which happened to be my favorite sandwich of all time, until I discovered the BKT(bacon, kale & tomato sandwich). The mild sweet flavor of organic kale and great flavor of organic tomatoes present on a BKT can definitely challenge the famous BLT any day.      


Over Cognac 

Boiled Organic Kale

My family loves boiled kale stove top, it is a great tasty dish and very easy to prepare. Simply add water to a pot and boil kale until the leaves become tender. To enhance the flavor of kale you can also add your favor seasonings such as garlic salt, sea salt, black pepper, or seasoning salt and to give your pot of kale an awesome flavor boost toss in a smoke turkey drums.  

Kale Versatility

Growing organic kale on my home patio has been a treat for my family because we simply love the taste of kale.  Kale is a very healthy leaf vegetable and we consume it in many different ways . We like kale on sandwiches, sautéed stove top, in smoothies, as salads and even boiled.  

Over Cognac

Crappie on the Platter

Crappie is a nice white, flakey, tender fish with a hint of sweetness. This fish will fry fast, so be sure not to turn your back and over cook your fish and dry out your meal. Simple seasonings such as sea salt and black pepper can be an addition to the great taste of crappie or just season with your favorite seasonings and fry in your favorite cooking oil.

Great Tasting Fish, I Guarantee!